Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

The STEM Research's website gives you free access to broad computational resources, including powerful mathematics applications, services, free webinars, tech tutorials, and expertly designed presentations and visualizations. We are continually working to improve and expand Stemre , creating new applications, updating existing ones, and coming up with the best machine learning algorithms that make the user experience smart and attractive.

These terms are a contract you have to agree to before using the Stemlab API. If you are under age 18, you may use the Stemlab API only if you have permission from a parent, legal guardian, or teacher. By using the service, you are telling us either that you are over the age of 18 and legally able to form contracts or that an adult with authority to act on your behalf has agreed to these terms and to be responsible for ensuring your compliance with them in your use of the service and any results you obtain from it. If for whatever reason you do not want to be bound by these terms, do not use the service or its results.

Our intention is to make Stemlab API available to everyone indefinitely. To achieve this, we reserve the right to cut off use by those who abuse the service or to limit access in any other way for any reason. We are counting on the users of Stemlab to embrace our goals and to support them by adhering to these terms.

Methods of Access

The Stemlab service may be used only by a human being using a conventional web browser to manually enter queries one at a time. Because Stemlab is doing computation, not just lookup, each query may require significant CPU time on multiple parallel servers. Any attempt to use a robot, script, or organized group of humans to repeatedly access Stemlab could place an unacceptable load on the system and is strictly forbidden.

If our monitoring systems detect an attempt to access the service in a forbidden way, to execute systematic patterns of queries, to index the website, or to do anything else that we feel jeopardizes the integrity of our system or access to it by other users, we may terminate or suspend access to the service for specific users or IP ranges.

Ways you may use the free version of Stemlab

The free Stemlab service is available for ad hoc, personal, non-commercial use only. For such use, you are welcome to download results, print copies, store downloaded content on your computer, and reference this information in your documents. You may use it to get information for your own use for any purpose, including occasional purposes related to your job, as long as you aren't specifically being paid to use this service.

It is not permitted to use Stemlab indirectly through any user interface that has created a large number of deep links to Stemlab or that automatically constructs links based on input that you give to that interface rather than through Stemlab. You may not in effect use Stemlab through any alternate user interface.

Finally, it's also not permitted to use frames, browser technologies, or any user interface to embed or surround the Stemlab website with your own material without permission from Stemlab.

Linking to Stemlab

We are happy for you to link to the Stemlab website, including deep links to specific results. However, if you are constructing a very large number of deep links or any deep links that are created automatically in response to user input given on your site, you must take into account some restrictions. If you construct a website that induces others to use our service contrary to those terms, you are inducing them to violate our Terms of Service and can be liable for those violations.

Input Ownership and Privacy

By putting input into Stemlab in the form of a query, you are not relinquishing any of your ownership or rights to the content. By providing it to us in query form, you agree that we can store it in log files and use it to generate the results given back to you. We may also use stored inputs to evaluate the performance of the website or study usage patterns, for example examining inputs that seem to create problems for the system or testing new versions of the system against logs of previous inputs.

We will not attempt to associate individual Stemlab inputs with individual human users and will not release individual or aggregated lists of inputs or any personally identifiable information to any third party except in response to lawful court orders. We will not attempt to assert intellectual property rights over anything given as input to Stemre simply on the basis of its having been given to us as input.

Data Mining and Reverse Engineering

The Stemlab service uses large collections of data aggregated from many sources and sophisticated computational and natural language processing algorithms. You may not use multiple queries or specially constructed queries in an attempt to extract large datasets, to reverse engineer the algorithms used by Stemlab, or to probe for vulnerabilities.

Spidering, data-mining, scraping, or probing Stemlab, or otherwise attempting to abuse the service, is not only a violation of these terms but may also constitute violation of federal and state laws concerning unauthorized access to computer systems.

You are forbidden to violate or attempt to violate the security of the website. If you find a way to crash the website or otherwise get it to misbehave, or you identify a vulnerability, flaw, or bug, please use the feedback form on any Stemlab page or, to report the problem. As there will no doubt always be ways to cause trouble for the site, we ask for your cooperation in ensuring that it remains available for use by everyone.

The material from the Stemlab service is intended to be used by a human being in the form in which it is delivered. You are not allowed to systematically extract data from the results returned by Stemlab and build them into a new raw data table or source, except on an ad hoc basis for personal use.

Professional Disclaimers and Disclaimer of Warranty

Stemlab provides a rich and wide range of computations and data in many subject areas, and extensive efforts are made to keep its contents accurate and up to date. It is not, however, a certified or definitive source of information that can be relied on for legal, financial, medical, life-safety, or any other critical purposes.

Common sense and these Terms of Service require that you independently verify the accuracy, completeness, and relevance of any information you get from Stemlab before relying on it for any purpose in which things of value are at stake. We specifically disclaim all forms of liability for all results from Stemlab.

In some fields, definitive information can legally be provided only by certified and paid professionals. Examples include, among others, medical, legal, or financial advice, measures used in commerce, engineering calculations, and surveying or navigation data. These fields make use of many kinds of information and calculations, many of which are also available in Stemlab. The availability of this kind of information in Stemlab does not imply that Stemlab purports to provide any official or certified information or professional services of any kind.

Stemlab is not a substitute for information or guidance provided by any licensed professional in any field, and if you need advice of this nature, you should consult a professional who is licensed or knowledgeable in the appropriate area.

Although Stemlab does not deliver in its results any user-supplied raw code executable in a browser or other execution environment, we cannot guarantee that a suitably constructed input could not cause the website to generate results pages that cause unintended or harmful operations on the client system. Stemlab specifically disclaims any responsibility for harm to your system caused by the use of the website.

The information provided by Stemlab is provided "as is", and for information purposes only. This means that Stemlab does not offer any warranty whatsoever with regard to this service, its content, or any content or services accessible from the website. You agree that you are using the service at your own risk.

In no event shall Stemlab or its directors, officers, shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, or licensors be liable for any damages arising out of or related to the use, inability to use, performance, or nonperformance of this service. Some states or other jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you.

You agree to indemnify and hold Stemlab and its directors, officers, shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, and licensors harmless from and against all losses, expenses, damages, and costs, including attorneys' fees, resulting from your violation of these Terms of Service, including, without limitation, any use of this website other than as expressly authorized by these Terms of Service.

Reporting Incorrect or Infringing Material

If you find something in Stemlab that you feel is incorrect, we encourage you to report it; we take great pride in making the information we provide as accurate as possible. to report errors on this website; we will follow up and correct the reported errors as soon as possible.

If you find something in Stemlab that you believe to be a violation of a copyright or other right that you personally hold, we want to know so we can correct the problem. Please use the feedback form at the bottom of that material's page to tell us where the material is and why you think it is infringing.

Interpretation of Terms and Changes

is based in Nairobi, Kenya, and these Terms of Service are to be interpreted under and governed by the laws of the Republic of Kenya. If any provision of the Terms of Service is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed superseded by a valid enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision, and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. In any event, such an invalid or unenforceable provision shall have no effect on the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.

We may choose to correct or amend these Terms of Service at any time. When a change is made, it will be noted on the front page of Stemlab for a period of at least one week after the change. If you are concerned about tracking changes to these Terms of Service and have not visited the website for a week, it is your responsibility to check the terms again.


Stemlab is a Trademark of the STEM Research company.

Data Retention

STEM Research takes privacy and data protection seriously and is committed to safeguarding data you share with us.

Effective as of Jan 01, 2024